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What is Ion Biotechnology Aqueous Ligands
IBAL - Pronounced “Eyeball”
Ion Biotechnology Aqueous Ligands (IBAL) are an elegant, highly effec�ve ionophoric delivery system which bypasses
the diges�ve tract to increase the bioavailability of nutrients well above what was thought possible. The current IBAL
Formulas also take into account and exploit the respec�ve nutrient interrela�onships to minimize antagonisms and
maximize synergies.
Various formulas based on IBAL are an experimental treatment currently being researched on cancer, infec�ous, and
auto-immune diseases. The reason that IBAL can affect so many different ailments stems from its main Mode of Ac�on
(MoA) where its ionophoric ac�on exploits a key difference between the metabolic cycles of aerobic and anaerobic
cells. Being far more primi�ve, anaerobic cells can only operate in the first stage of cellular metabolism, Glycolysis.
Aerobic cells, on the other hand, operate in all three stages, Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, and the Electron Transport Chain.
Among the many steps involved in the second two stages is the ability to reject or excrete excess levels of minerals.
This ability does not exist in the Glycolysis stage - at least not at the speeds required to keep up with the IBAL powered
intake. Simplified, the ca�ons within IBAL enter cells with extreme efficiency. Aerobic cells retain the minerals which
they need and quickly expel the rest, while anaerobic cells get overloaded by the minerals and die. As it happens,
almost all pathogens are anaerobic - or operate anaerobically when causing problems for a human immune system.
Furthermore, one of the hallmarks of cancer, as proven by Dr. Warburg, is a loss of aerobic func�on. Just like
pathogens, cancer cells priori�ze the collec�on of nutrients to use for replica�on. To clarify, IBAL Minerals will supply
needed nutrients to healthy cells (they get healthier) while killing pathogens or abnormal (cancerous) cells. Here is
a collec�on of anecdotal tes�monials on the use of different IBAL-based products.
A more complete list of IBAL’s theorized Modes of Ac�on:
1. Ionophoric Nutrient Uptake: Nontoxic to (healthy) aerobic cells. Toxic to (abnormal/pathogenic) anaerobic cells.
2. An�-inflamma�on: Cu++ reduc�on to Cu+ mimicking SOD
3. Increased Cellular Energy: The resultant Cu+ is the cri�cal component required to complete the Electron Transport
Chain generate 90% of the ATP from the aerobic processes.
4. An�-inflamma�on: Redox poten�al (ORP) at 450+ mV, reducing radical electrons and oxida�on.
5. An�-inflamma�on: An�oxidant ORAC value of 1026 micro M-TE.
6. Topical Permeability: Dispersed through inters��al fluids and absorbed at the cellular level.
7. Polarity Movement: pH of <1 drives ionic polarity movement in living systems resul�ng in highly systemic ac�vity.
8. Cell Signaling Normaliza�on: Increases metabolic pathway of apoptosis and normal cell signaling.
9. Reac�ve Species Mimic: Reac�ve Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Species.
IBAL Modes of Ac�on
When I have
Cu ++ Cu ++
enough minerals Mg ++
I can repel them!
Zn ++ Zn ++ Zn ++
Cu ++ Zn ++
Cu ++ Mg ++
Mg ++
Mg ++ Mg ++
Mg ++ Cu ++
Mg ++ Mg ++ Zn ++
Minerals are invading Cu ++
Cu ++ to kill me since Zn ++
Zn ++
I can’t repel them...
Zn ++
Cu ++
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