Page 3 - What is IBAL
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What is Ion Biotechnology Aqueous Ligands

                                                  Is IBAL Safe?

          IBAL has been thoroughly tested in various cosme�c products for at least a decade and has recently received regulatory
          approval in the form of a drug with no unexpected adverse reac�ons reported. (The drug has not yet entered the market for
          large-scale sales.) The lack of adverse reac�ons is somewhat unsurprising since all of the ingredients are classified by the FDA
          as GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe).
          These ingredients make IBAL’s  safety profile very advantageous. In one study looking at dosage safety & efficacy, an IBAL prod-
          uct was applied at 10 �mes the suggested maximum dose. In most drugs this level of overdose would be very dangerous with
          many drugs causing death. In the IBAL drug candidate, the “adverse effect” was that it was less effec�ve than simply using less.
          The minimum lethal dose has never been determined because it is so far above reasonable use.

          Ingredients of the Zinc-Copper-Magnesium IBAL formula: Water, Ammonium Sulfate, Zinc Sulfate, Magnesium Sulfate,
          Copper Sulfate.
          While the ingredients may be common, the manufacturing process for IBAL is me�culous and �me-consuming. It is not techni-
          cally possible to get the same result by simply mixing the ingredients together since the procedure follows a proprietary
          algorithm based on biological negentropy.
          The following is a composi�on analysis:

                                                     Name                  Mass %

                                            Water                          < 71

                                            Hydrogen Sulfate               > 19
                                            Hexaaqua Zinc Ion              < 5

                                            Hexaaqua Copper Ion            < 2

                                            Hexaaqua Magnesium Ion         < 2

                                            Ammonium                       > 1
                                            Hydrogen Ca�on                 < 1

          IBAL has undergone extensive safety and efficacy tes�ng over the years, see: IBAL Studies and Research Data Timeline

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