Page 2 - What is IBAL
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What is Ion Biotechnology Aqueous Ligands

                                    IBAL vs. Normal Ionophores

          Beyond the Ionophoric ac�on of IBAL driving nutrient uptake to make healthy cells healthier and kill abnormal or anaerobic
          cells,  many  diseases  follow  an  anaerobic  fermenta�on  process  which  oxygen  will  impair  thereby  sugges�ng  a  secondary
          mechanism for destroying the disease.

          Minerals that are not in a bioavailable form will not be able to eliminate or otherwise disable the disease cells because the
          minerals  cannot  pass  through  the  membrane  coa�ng  the  outer  surface  of  the  disease  cells  and/or  cannot  travel  in  an
          extracellular fashion. As an example, even ionic Zn++ cannot pass through the hydrophobic, lipid bilayer cellular wall on its own.
          Under normal circumstances, a natural ionophore, such as querce�n (a flavonoid in) surrounds and masks the ionic zinc’s
          charge. With the charge masked the zinc can then pass through the cellular membrane. But there are two reasons that IBAL is
          far more efficient than normal ionophores. First, the ca�ons are already contained within the IBAL structure and are ready to
          pass into cells. Conversely, dietary zinc must first encounter an ionophore to be usable by cells. Second, even when a substance
          can pass through the cellular wall the lipids that make up the wall must be pushed aside. The extremely small structure of IBAL
          encounters far less resistance passing through the cellular wall than zinc encapsulated by a much larger ionophore such as
          Furthermore,  IBAL  has  been  tested  to  have  an  oxida�on  reduc�on  poten�al  (ORP)  of  450+mV  and  an  oxygen    radical
          absorbance capacity of 1026 μmol TE. In comparison, Vitamin C is perhaps the most famous an�-oxidant and has only 133 μ
          mol TE. These extremely high values further illustrate IBAL’s an�-inflamma�on proper�es.
          One of the actual mechanisms IBAL uses to reduce inflamma�on is its ability to act as a Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) mimic to
          oxidize  Radial  Oxygen  (AKA,  Free  Radicals  or  Oxida�ve  Stress)  into  O2.  This  elimina�on  of  free  radicals  helps  reduce
          inflamma�on and the damage being caused, returning the body to homeostasis.

          One of the specific free radical elimina�on mechanisms involves Cu++ dona�ng an electron being reduced to Cu+. The resultant
          Cu+ is also the cri�cal component required to complete the Electron Transport Chain, the third and final cellular metabolism
          stage, which generates 90% of the ATP (cellular energy) from the aerobic processes. Glycolysis produces a net 2 ATP;  the Krebs
          Cycle produces another 2 ATP, and the Electron Transport Chain produces the remaining 34 ATP. Sufficient Cu+ is required for
          aerobic cells to maximize their energy produc�on which IBAL may help supply.

          Further Modes of Ac�on are s�ll under inves�ga�on such as the polarity of the IBAL cons�tuents a�er it has disassociated
          driving it toward oxida�ve stress and inflamma�on as well as the presence of many other elements necessary to life such as
          Sulfur, Amines, and Molecular Hydrogen. Some of the reac�ve species of oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur are also heavily involved
          in cell signaling normaliza�on. There is evidence of significant heavy metal chela�on effects from long-term IBAL product use.

                                               IBAL is very efficient!

                                                                    If I’m lucky I might find
                         IBAL IONOPHORE                             minerals so I can deliver  NORMAL IONOPHORE
                                                                    them inside a cell.
                                        I already have
                                        minerals with me
                                        so I’m ready to go!
                     OUTSIDE                Zn++

                                                       I’m also very small
                     CELLULAR                  Zn++    so it’s easy to get               I’m big so it’s
                     MEMBRANE                                                            hard to make it
                                                       through here.                     through here.

                                                          That was easy!
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