MOCO Protocol Session

Oxygen is of critical importance to the human body. Our cells require it to efficiently create energy. Without plentiful oxygen, bad things happen. Here are just a few symptoms of long-term oxygen deficiency:

  • Poor immune function
  • Increased infections
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • General body weakness
  • Weight (fat) gain
  • Cancer and disease
  • Fatigue and sleep disorders
  • Poor digestion
  • Memory loss & poor concentration

Next Evolution Wellness has created a Multifaceted Optimal Cellular Oxygen, (MOCO) Protocol, of combined therapies that are each addressing a different aspect of the most common issues directly impeding oxygen uptake while also reducing cellular oxidative damage.


Next Evolution Wellness
@ Eudaimonia HFC
4471 Parmalee Gulch Rd.
Indian Hills, Colorado 80454

(833) 568-7474

Next Evolution Wellness is a program of Eudaimonia HFC, whose mission is to develop authentic love and compassion to cultivate continual growth toward enduring happiness, penetrating wisdom, and optimal well-being.