Neuro Training

Why Neurocentric Training?
So, what is exactly is neurocentric training? Quite simply, it’s working at the level of the brain before working at the level of the muscles and connective tissue. It’s putting the brain first and central in everything you do when reducing pain and improving performance.
Only working at the level of your muscles and connective tissue is not very efficient and often isn’t very effective at resolving these things. But working at the level of the brain, you can unlock movement patterns that have been trapped for years.
The difficult part is finding what works for your individual brain and nervous system to find the key to the lock. Our thorough initial assessment and customized training can help you “re-map” the interpretation and outputs of the brain from survival to performance!
It’s a very exciting and dynamic way of training that will alter how you look at pain, training, rehab and exercise.
Neurocentric Training Benefits
- Eliminate/Reduce Chronical Pain (Migraines)
- Eliminate/Reduce Vertigo
- Support Stroke Rehabilitation
- Increase Range of Motion
- Increase Supplenees/Flixibility
- Increase Speed
- Increase Endurance
- Increase Strength
- Increase Balance (Fall Prevention)
What Do We Offer
Athletic Development Program (ADP)
Our training introduce and practice drills that focus on 5 pillars of Elite Performance:
- Vision – Better visual skills lead to better performance.
- Balance – The inner ear (vestibular system) is intricately tied with the visual system and developing a functional “balance system” is a major component increasing performance.
- Movement – We focus on primitive patterns (posture, stance, limb and trunk positions) and joint movements to increase sport specific movement efficiency.
- Respiration – W address respiratory awareness, inspiratory/expiratory muscle strength training, and combine them with sport specific energy systems.
- Intgration – Sport is the ultimate sensorimotor challenge. The brain is in a constant cycle of receiving inputs, integrating the inputs and creating outputs.
Recovery and Rehabilitation
Neurocentric focus will allow you to address issues more quickly and completely.
The nervous system includes three basic functions: receiving sensory inputs, interpreting and integrating inputs, and selecting appropriate outputs.
Our process begins with a thorough neuro-flow assessment which allows our practitioners to custom tailored program to your specific nervous system.
Program will consist of sensory, mobility, respiration, and other movement work, in conjunction with therapeutic neuroscience education to help you in developing the knowledge base to continue your journey.